because it could serve so many purposes.
And who else stood to benefit
from the pipeline?
Bush's number one campaign contributor,
Kenneth Lay, and the good people of Enron.
Only the British press covered this trip.
Then in 2001, just 5 1/2 months before 9/11,
the Bush Administration welcomed
a special Taliban envoy to tour the United States
to help improve the image of the Taliban government.
You have imprisoned the women...
It's a horror, let me tell you.
I'm very sorry to your husband;
he might have a very difficult time with you.
Here is the Taliban official
visiting our State Department
to meet with US officials.
Why on Earth did the Bush administration
allow a Taliban leader to visit the United States
knowing that the Taliban were harboring the man
who bombed the USS Cole and our African embassies?
Well, I guess 9/11 put a stop to that.
When the invasion of Afghanistan was complete
we installed its new president,
Hamid Karzai.
Who was Hamid Karzai?
He was a former advisor to Unocal.
Bush also appointed
as his envoy to Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad
who was also a former Unocal advisor.
I guess you can probably see where this is leading.
Faster than you can say Black Gold Texas Tea,
Afghanistan signed an agreement
with her neighboring countries
to build a pipeline through Afghanistan
carrying natural gas from the Caspian Sea.
Oh, and the Taliban?
Uh, they mostly got away.
As did Osama bin Laden and most of al Qaeda.
Terror is bigger than one person.
And he's just, he's, he's a, he's a person
who's now been marginalized,
so, I, I don't know where he is, nor...
and I just don't spend that much time on it,
Ellie, to be honest with ya.