Finding Neverland

Excuse me, sir,
you're standing on my sleeve.

Am I? So sorry.
I might point out
you're lying under my bench.

I have to, I'm afraid.
I've been put in a dungeon
by the evil Prince George.

I'm sorry if it bothers you.
Well, if you're trapped in the dungeon,
there isn't much to be done now, is there?

Perhaps I could slide a key to you
through the bars.

I wouldn't risk it, sir. The evil
Prince George has tortured many men.

I'm sorry. Is he bothering you, sir?
My brother can be
an extremely irritating sort of person.

Aha, Prince George, I gather.
I understand you are the horrible tyrant
who imprisoned this unfortunate wretch.

I'm not horrible really, but a firm ruler, yes.
Kind and tolerant.

And what precisely is...
What did you say your name was?

- Michael.
- What precisely is Michael's crime?

- He's my younger brother.
- Ah.

- Fair enough. Sorry, lad. Cannot free you.
- That's all right.

- Do you mind us playing with your dog?
- No. Go on.

This is Jack, second in line to the throne
and that one's Michael. He's only five.

And I'm in prison for it.
- I'm so sorry. Are my boys bothering you?
- We're not bothering him, Mum.

Michael, darling,
come out from under there.

I can't. I'm in prison.
Oh, I see.
JM Barrie. Pleased to meet you.
JM Barrie, the author? A pleasure.
Sylvia Llewelyn Davies.

- Are you a writer?
- I am.

He's a playwright, Jack.
Quite a famous one, at that.

- I apologize. I imagine you're writing.
- No. Not at all.

- Where's Peter?
- What have you written, Mr Barrie?

Well, currently, I make my living
entertaining princes and their courts

with my trained bear, Porthos.
If you command your brother,
Peter, to join us,

I am willing, Prince George,
to give you just such a performance
