Finding Neverland

George Llewelyn Davies shall test
the very limits of the atmosphere

using his tethered craft. Go on, boy.
- Go on, George.
- You're going to break it, George.

- George, stop!
- I just need a bit more speed.

I want to do it.
Hold off a bit, George.
I think it's in need of a tail.

Oh, wait.
- Here. James, this will do.
- That's a good idea.

- No, it's not heavy enough.
- I want to do it.

- You coming, Peter?
- Porthos!

It'll work this time.
Porthos, give us your bell. That's good.
- Michael?
- Yeah?

- Now, would you like to give it a go?
- Yes, please.

- Oh, he can't run fast enough.
- Of course he can.

- Let him try, Jack.
- Now, George, you hold the kite.

Come on, boys, let's go back up to the top.
Come on, Peter.

Right, George, hold it up. Darling,
you've got to run now. Ready? Ready?

- Run! Run, Michael!
- Run!

- Oh, I told you this wasn't going to work.
- I don't think he's fast enough.

It's not going to work
if no one believes in him.

- Now, give him a chance.
- Michael, go back to your starting position.

- Come on, darling, try again.
- George, you take the kite.

Now this time, I don't want a flea's breath
of doubt. We must get that kite in the air.

Right. Look, I think I feel a bit
more breeze. Are you ready, Michael?

- You can do it, Michael.
- You've got to run. Run, Michael, run.

- Run!
- That's it!

Yes! He did it!
Keep running! Keep running!
What are you writing about now?
