Youshouldat least weara ball gown.
Ignorance is bliss.
What can I say?
I say, good night,
normal, boring girl.
And you better hide that beer,
because under the sandwiches--
that's the first place
they'll look.
- Duly noted.
- Goodnight.
- [Door Closes ]
- [ Sighs ]
[Running Footsteps ]
Did you take the southern route
through the stairwell...
or the northern route
through the access hall?
- Eastern route.
- Oh!
Two elevators, one moving walkway,
turn left at the Lincoln arches.
- It's lesser-known, but very effective.
- Mm-hmm.
Eastern route's one of
my favorites, actually.
And that Lincoln arches thing
is a very nice touch.
You know, ifyou're gonna
eat this cake...
you have to pay the toll.