On behalfofthe Redmond Knights,
I wanna thank each and every one ofyou.
What we do on the field
would not be possible...
without whatyou do offthe field.
Are you al I ri ght?
Okay, I need backup.
I real ly I i ke this guy.
What happened to all the ones you've
been kissing since school started?
When I really like a guy,
it means I'm not gonna kiss him.
All right. Long story short,
we went to school together...
and I've loved him
ever since spandex was in.
I asked him to meet me
here tonight, but...
I never thought he would.
Your offensive captain,John Young.
Give it up forbig Buck Rich
on defense.
- [ Cheering ]
- Hi, Samantha.
Welcome to Redmond.
Nice to meet you.
Excuse me.
It's always about you, Sam.
Mia, wait.
Where you going?
Supposed to hang out.
Hey, I'll seeyou later, all right?
##[Woman Singing Hip-hop ]
## [ Continues ]
So, Mia, did you talk to her
about rushing yet?
Not yet.
Hey, did you invite her to our party?
You still wanna invite her
afterwhat happened at the last one?
Are we supposed to salute
orsaythe Pledge ofAllegiance?
Hands off the roommate's personals.
Only I can touch 'em.
Dude, can't believe we're partying in,
like, Dorm Room One.
"Hey, Mia, what's she like?"
"Get to see her naked?"
"Can we all just stand in line
to kiss her ass?"
I'm so sick of all things Samantha.
[Man ] Does she have a boyfriend?
She is so hot.
- [Man #2 ] Oh,yeah.
- I don't believe that's any ofyour business.
## [ Continues, Indistinct ]
What's going on, Mia?
What's going on is
this isn't working out.
It's too hard.