##[Woman Singing Hip-hop ]
## [ Continues ]
So, Mia, did you talk to her
about rushing yet?
Not yet.
Hey, did you invite her to our party?
You still wanna invite her
afterwhat happened at the last one?
Are we supposed to salute
orsaythe Pledge ofAllegiance?
Hands off the roommate's personals.
Only I can touch 'em.
Dude, can't believe we're partying in,
like, Dorm Room One.
"Hey, Mia, what's she like?"
"Get to see her naked?"
"Can we all just stand in line
to kiss her ass?"
I'm so sick of all things Samantha.
[Man ] Does she have a boyfriend?
She is so hot.
- [Man #2 ] Oh,yeah.
- I don't believe that's any ofyour business.
## [ Continues, Indistinct ]
What's going on, Mia?
What's going on is
this isn't working out.
It's too hard.
Is it thatyou don't like living
with all the attention, Mia?
- Orthatyou don't like living without it?
- Excuse me?
I thinkyou're used to being
the center ofthings.
As a matter offact, I am.
Whatyou got going on
is a whole lot of genetic limelight.
I think thatyou're acting
really unreasonably right now.
Sowhy don'twejust step outside.
Maybe calm down.
No, I'm not counting to 1 0.
I'm notwriting up some itinerary.
Right here, right now,
let's have this out.
And for once, Sam,
say something thatyou wanna say...
and not what someone wrote foryou.
Just beyou.
Whoever that is.
This from a woman who will kiss
anyone with lips...
but saves abstinence for the one person
she really cares about?
Well, you know what?
At least I can admit I'm messed up.
You're so desperate to make everybody like
you, you let people use me to get toyou...
and then you act like
you don't see what's happening.
You let people useyou,
regardless ofwhether I am around, Mia.
You make that choice all ofthe time...
so don't blameyour
genetically lit roommate.