There now. It"s time for you to rest.
That"s a good dog...
There! Lt"s dead.
Now onto the conveyor...
Now let"s go over here...
The thing is...
...when dogs die, someone has to
take care of them. That"s our job.
I put them to sleep and burn them.
Not to be mean to them.
But someone has to do it.
And it"s not just dogs.
It"s also...
...rats... and pigeons
killed by the council.
Then there are smuggled puppies
seized by customs. And summer cats.
That"s really common.
"We forgot the cat. Never mind..."
Bollocks. Out of the way!
Sod Jan, he"s left it off-kilter.
Shame I can"t be there.
This is for the horses
They won"t get this at all.