Kjell Levrén! Come in!
- Hello.
- Hello. L"m Anna.
- Flower.
- Thank you.
Hi, Kjell Levrén.
Station manager, SSK.
- We"ve met.
- Oh, yes.
This is Morgan.
The kid, yes. Kjell Levrén, SSK.
- Your heating. Municipal?
No, electric cartridge.
We"ve got geothermal.
Cuts down heating costs considerably.
So, what else is new?
What else is new?
- Eh?
- I said, what else is new?
- What else is new?
- Well, there"s a...
Right, Ray!
Thank you.
Kjell Levrén, station manager SSK.
My name"s Ray. What"s your name?
K-Kjell Levrén, station manager SSK.
What else is new?
Hello. My name"s Ray.
What"s your name?
Kjell. Well, that"s sorted...
A pair of tights!
You got some chewing tobacco.
Best put it in the fridge...
- My names Ray. Whats your name?
- Whats up?
No thanks, l"m driving.
No booze or crayfish for me!