Garden State

No. He drives a Ninja.
Goes way faster than this guy.

- But what kind of helmet is that?
- You can wear it on a bike.

- Anyway, how's your head?
- I should live through the day.

Make a right here.

Are you doing
anything right now?

- Can you elaborate on "doing anything"?
- I know this guy, Jesse.

He bought this mansion
that's right up here...

and he wants me
to come visit him.

But I don't want to stay very long.
I was thinking, like if you came too...

I could just say I have to take you home
when I'm ready to go.

Wow. That's pretty damn
random of you, Andrew.

- I know.
- "Nice to meet you. Can I use you?"

- No.
- It's the Hollywood in you, I guess.

No. Come on.
It's not like that. It'll be fun.

I'll tell you what, we can have like...
like a signal.

Like, when you pull on your ear,
that's the code.

And then I'll be like, "Oh, I got to
take her home." And then we'll go.

Can we have
code names too?

If you want.
Okay. But don't try
and like kidnap me or anything...

'cause my step-uncle's a bounty hunter
and he could have you tracked and killed.

You're such a liar.
Okay. You ready?
I'll be fine. Am I the first boy
you've ever brought home?

No. But, um...
I lied to you before when I told you
my boyfriend drives a Ninja.

- He doesn't drive a bike?
- No, I don't have a boyfriend.

But, you know,
he might drive a Ninja.

- Wherever he is.
- Wow. We're off to a great start.

Okay. So...
So sometimes I lie.

I mean,
I'm weird, man.
