
You know what?
Why don't you just
take a look at chapter 11

for the rest of the period
and then, you know, go?

( door closes )
Boy #1 : I'm going to put on
a little show for you guys

and you're going
to pay me your lunch money.

So pay me and if you don't,
I'll beat the crap out of you
for the rest of your life.

Boy #2:
How about this? No.

Boy #1 :
How about... yes! Ha-ha!

What are you going to do about it, huh?
You're a tiny little boy.

What if his haVing outliVed
the life of that first original cell

has somehow allowed some dormant
problem to be switched on?

Listen, maybe it's significant,
maybe it isn't,

But the fact remains that any changes
in health or behaVior

Could haVe occurred
naturally the last time as well.

- These night terrors--
- If that's what they are.

Paul, it's a common
sleep disorder.

If there's anything
he isn't, it's common.

What do you want me
to say, Paul?

That there's something
seriously wrong with him?

- You don't think I'm just as concerned?
- No. No, I don't.

You haVe eVery right to worry.
But for eight years,
we'Ve known what to expect.

Most parents neVer haVe
the benefit of hindsight.

From now on,
neither do we.

- "We"?
- You know what I meant.

Can I get back
to my patients, please?

EVer want to haVe any children
of your own, Richard?

Jessie's always saying
how great you are with Adam.

- It seems like such a shame.
- Paul, he's your son.

BelieVe me, I know
what he means to you.

But maybe you can keep in mind
what he does mean to me.

- Mother: Here they come.
- Jessie: Oh, hey there! There you are.

Why so glum, chum?

Adam: There's this new kid,
Roy Hazen,

he's always showing off,
Iike how high he goes
on the swings and stuff.

- He's a total ass wipe.
- Hey!

Where did you learn
that language?
