I just wanted to talk to him
about Adam.
God, Paul.
Wait, where are we going?
To get a second opinion.
Are you kidding me?
Am I smiling?
About these night terrors...
you're confident
that's what this is?
I see it in a number
of kids Adam's age.
Scares the bejesus out of the parents,
but the kids outgrow it.
As for Adam's recent changes
in behaVior, well, he's poorly rested--
No, you don't know him.
This is something else.
He won't leaVe me alone.
- Lieber: Who?
- Adam: Zachary.
Mr. Duncan, who is Zachary?
ls he a boy in his class?
I don't know.
Honey, who is Zachary?
He's the boy
who liVes in my dreams.
Paul: Talk to me, pal. This boy
told you his name was Zachary?
Not really,
I kind of just know.
And you'Ve neVer
seen his face?
He doesn't like
to show it,
but I know
because of his jacket.
What kind of jacket?
Just let him answer.
It's red with white sleeVes.
Adam: Where are we going?
Where are we going?
Where's who going, Adam?
- Adam?
- Zachary.
- And where are you?
- Where we liVe.
I don't want to do this.
This is crazy.
According to who?
Listen, there's something
he's not telling us, Jessie, I know it.
The way he is handling this,
the way he stays so close to us.
- He cares about us.
- I don't--
Zachary, Zachary,
where are you?
- Tell me about Zachary.
- He's neVer eVen known a Zachary.