So you had your heart
stolen, haven't you?
If that wizar had been Howl,
your heart would have been eaten.
It wasn't him. I heard his
targets are beautiful girls.
You must be more careful. Listen. It's getting dangerous out there.
Some say recently even "Witch in the Waste Land" is out there.
Bettie, Madeline is ready.
OK, wait a sec. oke
I'm off. Now I feel better and
relaxed after seeing your bright face
Hi, Bettie. How are you? I'm fine.
Sophie, are you serious you're gonna continue
to work in the shop for the rest of your life?
I saw dad loved the shop. And
I'm his first daughter. So...
I'm asking if you really want to take over
the shop because you like to make hats.
Uh, I... See you, Bettie. You
come by the shop sometime. OK? Oke
I'm off. You must decide
what YOU really wanna be!