Loves won and lost.
It's an honor to be the first to host
the work...
of this gifted new photographer.
Finally, as a bonus,
may I present a living sculpture...
created especially for tonight?
The pictures were good of their kind.
But the sculptures were something else.
The trouble is we're never going
to see them again.
You should film them, Gilda.
Record them for posterity.
They need to be live,
so people can lean over...
and smell the skin of the models.
Does that worry you, Mia?
Having people sniffing around you
like dogs?
I'm a sculpture, so I ignore them.
What about you, Guy?
Have you seen anything like that
in England?
No, I haven't.
Guy thinks art should be political.
In London, he spends most of his time
campaigning for Republican Spain.
German artists spent the last 15 years
lampooning the Nazis...
and had no effect at all.
At least they tried.
Rather pointless if all they achieve
is a ticket to one of those camps.
And the satisfaction of knowing
they had the courage of their convictions.