Think reverse dog years.
He's barely out of his 20s.
What's with the hair, Clay?
Finally got them implants, huh?
lt'll fill in.
Who's the squirt?
Agent Myers is your new liaison.
l don't want him.
What, you get tired of me, Clay?
The candy. Give him the candy.
Oh, sir, l....
l have these for you.
Father's back?
-He still angry?
-Well, you did break out.
l wanted to see her.
-Nobody's business.
-lt is. You got yourself on TV again.
Myers, huh?
You got a first name, Myers?
Try not to stare.
He hates it when people stare.
John. John Myers.
Well, John'll do.
-Stare at what?
-His horns. He files them to fit in.
What you looking at, John?
Oh, no, no, no. Nothing.
Nothing at all.
Code red.
Hey, hey, hey.
W*arning. Code red.
They're playing our song.
Come on, champ,
let's go fight some monsters.
We're here at the Machen Library...
...where just hours ago,
an alarm was triggered.
The N.Y.P.D. has yet
to issue a statement.
We've got SWAT vans, paramedics.
You name it.
And now here comes
a garbage truck.
A large garbage truck.
Look at them ugly suckers, Blue.
One sheet of glass
between them and us.
Story of my life.
l could be outside.