Show Mr. Hopkins to his tent.
He needs his rest.
All right.
Thank you.
Oh, Mr. Hopkins.
I will amend the winner's
purse with another $ 10,000
if you will put
that Colt pistol in the pot.
That is an authentic Colt,
is it not?
As they say, God didn't
make all men equal.
Mr. Colt did.
Colt did not make
all men equal, Mr. Hopkins.
You will find this out.
Will you wager
the magnificent weapon?
For $ 10,000?
I'll gamble on that.
Very good, sir.
Sleep well.
You too.
And blessed be thee.
You must never eat more
than one day's ration.
Do you hear me?
I will eat it myself.
Hey! Quit messing
with my things.
Is this the symbol
of your nation?
Good as any.