For $ 10,000?
I'll gamble on that.
Very good, sir.
Sleep well.
You too.
And blessed be thee.
You must never eat more
than one day's ration.
Do you hear me?
I will eat it myself.
Hey! Quit messing
with my things.
Is this the symbol
of your nation?
Good as any.
Put that away.
Fetch water.
For the horse.
Go on.
Get back here!
Come sit down.
That's a very noble deed,
Mr. Rough-Riding Hopkins.
Frank will do, ma'am.
Mary, could we have some more
tea for Mr. Hopkins, please?
You're right at home here,
ain't you?
Well, I spent time amongst
the Bedoui with my father
since I was 13 years of age.
Looking for good horses?