Well, Buck,
I hope you're proud of yourself.
As a matter of fact, I am.
Thank you for checking.
You know, Pearl,
it don't have to be this way.
You've got the best livestock
in the county.
All you gotta do...
is just sell off
a few of these critters--
Stop right there, Sam.
They're family.
You don't sell family.
Ho-ho-hold your horses, Pearl.
Now you get,
before I start using words...
no good woman should ever use.
-Don't bust your gusset, woman!
-Go on, Sam!
It is still my property!
Now get!
I said, get!
I was just tryin' to help!
Oh. Oh.
That sure took the starch
right out of me.
I am sorry, girls.
I'm just plum out of ideas.
I think we all know
what happens now.
-Jeb, don't start.
-Now we all get eaten.
-What? What?
You don't think people in town
eat animals?
But who would eat a chicken?
Come on, guys. There must be
something we can do.
What? What could we do?
-This just isn't fair.
Uh, what is?
Listen. What would you say
if I told you...
that you could win big money--
and see
beautiful downtown Chugwater--
if you went to the County Fair?
Thank you for your input, but--