I am sorry, girls.
I'm just plum out of ideas.
I think we all know
what happens now.
-Jeb, don't start.
-Now we all get eaten.
-What? What?
You don't think people in town
eat animals?
But who would eat a chicken?
Come on, guys. There must be
something we can do.
What? What could we do?
-This just isn't fair.
Uh, what is?
Listen. What would you say
if I told you...
that you could win big money--
and see
beautiful downtown Chugwater--
if you went to the County Fair?
Thank you for your input, but--
Come on! Let the new cow talk!
New cow! New cow! New cow!
Come on, Mrs. C. You've got
a real good-lookin' bunch here.
I see some real potential.
The fair is two weeks away.
I say we go to town, butter up
that sheriff's horse...
and get him
to give us more time.
What are we waitin' for, Maggie?
Let's go.
That's right.
What do you say, Caloway?
Absolutely not.
I will not abandon Pearl
in her hour of need...
for such a ridiculous plan.
She would be devastated
if she found us missing.
As far as I'm concerned,
that's not an option.
All right. Suit yourself.
Come on, Grace.
We've got a farm to save.
You'll have to excuse her.
She's just a little tense.
Tense. What's her specialty,
sour cream?
Going to town.
Of all the ill-conceived i--