You're interfering
with official police bidness!
Be right with you, big guy.
Buck is on the case.
You know.
Don't embarrass me
in front of my partner. Please!
You and he are partners?
How does that work exactly?
Do you get to ride him
on odd days or even?
He chose me specifically...
because I have skills
that are essential...
to capturing our quarry.
You boys headed back to town?
Yes, sir. We got to go file
a report with the sheriff.
Give him back his horse.
This one's too skittish
around cows.
And that, girls,
is what makes me and Rico...
equal parts of
one lean mean crime-fighting--
Well, there it is, then.
Well, well, well, stud.
Now, I'm no professional...
but I'd say the only
mano a mano you'll be doing...
is in your dreams.
Oh, look out, Buck.
He's making a move
on your left flank. Kaboosh!
Maggie! Grace!
Leave that poor animal alone.
I realize you're very upset...
but if you'd like
to join our group...
and help us bring in Slim,
we'd be happy to have you.
However, there are a few...
anger-management issues
we need to discuss.
I wouldn't help
you bossy bovines...
if my life depended on it!
You see, that's just
what I'm talking about.
Come on, girls.
Let's go get Slim.
"Come on, girls,
let's go get Slim."
Cud-chewing heifers.
I can catch that Slim with
one hoof tied behind my back.