How about a song?
I'm gonna get you for this.
5,000 Texas longhorns.
Not bad for one night's work.
Pick a color.
I said,
not bad for one night's work.
-Thank you.
And judging by the ear mark...
I'd say these are the last
of Big Mike Donald's herd.
Big Mike Donald had a farm?
That's right. He had a farm.
Now that all his cash cows
have disappeared...
that poor sap's
gonna be flat broke.
Perfect time for a certain
upstanding land owner...
to step in
and take all the land.
Who are you?
What did you do
with Uncle Slim?
Put up your dukes,
Mr. Fancy Britches.
It's me. Hello?
This here
is the disguise I use...
to sneak into
all them auctions...
and buy all the land,
you brainless monotone monkeys.
Shoot, you got to be the richest
land baron in the west.
Yes, but the part
that really warms my heart...
is watching those homesteaders
Back in the day, I worked...
the highfalutinest ranches
you ever seen...
but those stuck-up ranch bosses
couldn't appreciate my talents.
Maybe they just didn't like
your singing.
Songbirds sing.
Saloon gals sing.
Little bitty snot-nosed
children sing.
I yodel!
And yodeling is an art!
Well, maybe they just
didn't like your yodeling.
He didn't mean it, Uncle Slim.
Everybody likes yodeling.