Not precisely.
What in God's name are you doing?
Did you know that was safety glass?
Would be pretty difficult for an old man
to throw himself through that, don't you think?
Well, he figured out a way.
Detective, the room was security locked.
no one came or went. You saw that yourself.
Doesn't that mean this has to be suicide?
Unless the killer's still in here.
You're joking, right?
- This is ridiculous.
- Ya, I know, you three laws...
Your perfect circle of protection.
A robot can not harm a human being.
The first law of Robotics.
Ya, I know, I've seen your commercials.
But doesn't the second law state that a robot
has to obey any order given by a human being?
What if it was given the order to kill?
Impossible, it would conflict with the first law.
Right, but the third law states that
robot can defend itself.
Yes, but only when that action does not
conflict with the first or second laws.
You know what they say...
laws are made to be broken.
No, not these laws,
they're hard wired into every robot.
A robot can no more commit murder
than a human can walk on water.
Well, you know there was
this one guy a long time ago.
- Stay back!
- Calm down, detective.
The only thing dangerous in this room is you.
Look, it's fine.
What you're looking at is
a result of clever programming.
An imitation of free will,
it's nothing more.
Well lets do an imitation
of protecting our asses.
Don't be absurd.
You were startled by a jack-in-the-box.