What am I?
Can I help you sir?
- There is.
- Stand by... deactivate...
Obey the command!
Hold your fire!
Hold your fire!
All units, stand down!
NS5 in custody.
You have no idea what I had
to go through to clip this thing John.
Ya, I get it now. You actually think
you brought me something good.
- That thing did it.
- Keep your voice down. Did what?
- We have a suicide, detective. End of story.
- I am telling you, that robot killed him.
I'm telling you that's impossible.
And if it is possible, it sure as hell
better be in somebody else's precinct.
John, give me five minutes with him.
What are you nuts?
I just got off the phone with the DA.
Nobody goes into that room
until Robertson and his lawyers get here.
- No, this is my suspect!
It's a can opener, for Christ sake!
Don't do this to me,
I am asking you for 5 minutes.
What if I'm right?
Well, then I guess we're
going to miss the "good old days"
What "good old days"?
When people were killed
by other people.
Five minutes.