I, Robot

Murder is a new trick for a robot.
What does this action signify?
As you entered...
when you looked at the other human.
What does it mean?

It's a sign of trust. It's a human thing.
You wouldn't understand.

My father tried to
teach me human emotions.

They are... difficult.
You mean your designer?
So why'd you murder him?
I did not murder Dr. Lanning.
You want explain why you
were hiding at the crime scene?

I was frightened.
Robots don't feel fear.
They don't feel anything.
- They don't get hungry, they don't sleep.
- I do.

I have even had dreams.
Human beings have dreams.
Even dogs have dreams, but not you.
You are just a machine.

An imitation of life.
Can a robot write a symphony?
Can a robot turn a canvas
into a beautiful masterpiece?

Can you?
I think you murdered him because
he was teaching you to simulate emotions...

and things got out of control.
I did not murder him.
But emotions don't seem like
a very useful simulation for a robot.

I did not murder him.
I don't want my toaster or
vacuum cleaner appearing emotional.
