In a bizarre turn,
the roll out of USR's new generation
of robots was marred by the death...
of Alfred Lanning, co-founder of the
company and designer of the NS5.
Dr. Lanning died early this morning
at USR's headquarters.
The cause of death
is an apparent suicide.
Your second round, sir.
Thanks you.
You know, I was just thinking.
This thing is just like the wolf man.
Oh oh, I'm really scared right now.
Listen, guy creates monster, monster kills
guy. Everybody kills monster... wolf man.
That's Frankenstein.
Frankenstein, wolf man,
dracula shit, it's over. Case closed.
So, why the look?
- What look?
- That look.
This is my face, it's not a look.
No look is great.
he was really quick to want
to destroy it, wasn't he?
What would you like him to do?
Put a hat on and stand on Michigan Avenue?
- Come on, let it go.
- What was the motive, John?
Brother, it's a robot. It doesn't need
a motive, it just has to be broken.
This thing looks like it needed a motive.
It could have killed me, John.
Why didn't he just kill me?
All right, that's it. You want
me to call your grandmother?
Because I will, you know.
Ya, I didn't think so.
Look, you were actually right for once.
You are living proof that it's
better to be lucky than smart.
Come on, the right guy,
for the right job.
- What'd you say?
- Now what?
Come on, I'm giving you a complement.
Face it, with all the rocks you've
been looking under to find a bad robot,