Authorized entry.
Why didn't you respond?
I was dreaming.
I am glad to see you again, Dr. Calvin.
They are going to kill me, aren't they?
You're scheduled to be de-commissioned
at the conclusion of this diagnostic.
22 hundred tomorrow.
VIKI, pause diagnostics.
Command confirmed.
If you find out what is wrong with me,
can you fix me?
I think it would be better...
not to die.
Don't you, doctor?
Access USR mainframe.
How can I be of service, detective Spooner?
Show me the last 50 messages
between Dr. Lanning and Robertson.
Voice-print confirmed detective.
Police access granted to restricted files.
Would you like to listen to
some music while you wait?
Excuse me, Mr. Robertson...
you requested notification
of clearance to restricted files.