Look, I thought you were one
of the boys who stole Maria's bike.
You probably would have done
the same thing, right?
-Carlo, come down to lunch!
-I called you 5 minutes ago!
Please don't tell my parents
what happened yesterday, okay?
I didn't mean it, I swear.
All right?
Come on.
David, my name is Giovanni Rescigno
and I'm Maria's father.
It's n honor to hv you here in our home.
David, come over here.
Maria wants you to sit next to her.
Maria, I know it's your turn
to say grace...
...but it you don't mind,
l'd like to say it today.
Dear God, we thank you...
...for this wonderful food
of which we're about to partake...
...and for all the bounty
which you provide for us.
We especially want to thank you
for sending us David...
...whose bravery and selflessness...
...has kept our dearest Maria safe
and well.
Please bless David
and our little family...
...and guide us so that we may continue
to perform your good works.
Thank you so very much.
Well, David, I don't know about you,
but I'm starving.
Let's eat.