It was a disaster,
dunbar passed, drown is pissed
and I'm screwed.
- God, Ian, I'm so sorry...
- forget it.
So, what else is going on?
Lottie has an exhibit tomorrow
some bigshot gallery, the 'zinc. '
I went down there to help with...
sounds like fun.
Wanna dance?
When have you ever seen me dance?
So where did you go this afternoon after your
meeting I called your cell a zillion times.
Oh I turned it off
didn't wanna hear from anyone.
Spent the rest of the day
walking around the city, thinking.
About us, and whether we're gonna make it.
No I didn't mean that
you don't understand.
I have to admit our morning was
not the greatest, and the meeting was...
I was wondering what to do and then
I met this cab driver.
A cab driver, you talked...
sounds weird, but it was good, really.
He made me realize that even though you and I
have problems, we share a lot too.
We enjoy each other, and
I should appreciate that.
It's underneath everything
and despite this awful day,
I adore you.
I guess what I'm saying is, I...
I wanna soldier on
I really do.