About us, and whether we're gonna make it.
No I didn't mean that
you don't understand.
I have to admit our morning was
not the greatest, and the meeting was...
I was wondering what to do and then
I met this cab driver.
A cab driver, you talked...
sounds weird, but it was good, really.
He made me realize that even though you and I
have problems, we share a lot too.
We enjoy each other, and
I should appreciate that.
It's underneath everything
and despite this awful day,
I adore you.
I guess what I'm saying is, I...
I wanna soldier on
I really do.
No what?
I don't wanna soldier on.
Lan, if I were to stay in london now
it would only be for you.
For us, and I would do that in a heartbeat
if I thought that we were really special.
- We are.
- Really?
You never tell me how you feel
or talk about yourself.
You don't wanna meet my family
you forgot my graduation,
we ran into my favorite student
and you act as if he has something contagious.
Lan, I know you have
the best intentions
but I just think that I'm a very
high second priority for you.
That hurts.