I'm sorry. That was, uh...
[Clearing throat]
Um, I'd like to thank everyone
for joining me here.
Teddy K. has an...
has a thing
that what makes GlobeCom great
is the men and women
of GlobeCom.
Is it like a thousand degrees
in here or is it me?
It's like...
It's me.
I have an agenda.
And you're gonna learn this
about me. I'm a maChine.
What was I saying
about the...
An agenda.
An agenda, I have an agenda.
WhiCh is that I have to
immediately, um,
inCrease the ad pages here
by 20 perCent.
20 perCent? Carter,
only a startup magazine
Can do that.
Yeah, well, I think
this team Can do it, Dan.
Um, how?
Well, Morty,
basiCally what we--
that's an awesome question.
And the answer
is synergy.
We need to team up here.
Yeah, we need to synChronize
and we need to synergize.
We're not alone.
We're not alone.
We're part of
one of the biggest multimedia
and brand name Companies
in the known universe, okay?
Let's--let's take advantage
of that, like, uh...
Krispity KrunCh.
Did anyone know that, uh,
one of our sister Companies
is Krispity KrunCh?
So we talk to
our brothers and sisters
over at Krispity KrunCh.
We make a deal
where we supply