Yeah, well, I think
this team Can do it, Dan.
Um, how?
Well, Morty,
basiCally what we--
that's an awesome question.
And the answer
is synergy.
We need to team up here.
Yeah, we need to synChronize
and we need to synergize.
We're not alone.
We're not alone.
We're part of
one of the biggest multimedia
and brand name Companies
in the known universe, okay?
Let's--let's take advantage
of that, like, uh...
Krispity KrunCh.
Did anyone know that, uh,
one of our sister Companies
is Krispity KrunCh?
So we talk to
our brothers and sisters
over at Krispity KrunCh.
We make a deal
where we supply
sports faCtoids
to their boxes.
So that when Joe CouCh Potato
is sitting there,
he's, uh, snaCking,
he looks down,
and what does he see?
Sports America
Krispity KrunCh
sports faCtoids.
He's definitely buying
more Krispity KrunCh
and not KrunCh 'n KraCkle
whiCh, by the way,
looks and tastes
exaCtly the same.
But guess what?
No sports faCtoids.
And Krispity KrunCh
is so happy they guarantee us
28 pages a year.
Besides whiCh,
they know if they don't,
Teddy K. is gonna be pissed.
What is that? What am l
talking about here, people?
Isn't that Cheating?
No, no. Hell, no.
And, uh, TeChline Cell phones.
We own TeChline Cell phones.
Guess what we put
on their browser?
Yes! FaCtoids! Synergy!
And what else?
Uh, box sCores. And ads!
We make a deal
like a 100,000 hits
on the lnternet
has the equivalent value
of one ad page
of our hard Copy.
Are you getting it, people?
The magazine has beCome
just a portal
to a synergized world
of Cross-promotion.