The spiCy tuna here is money.
Come here. Get that.
Get that.
Yeah, go fishing, man.
So I wanted to talk to you,
beCause, uh,
This is raw.
...an inCrease
in ad pages is...
Well, it's really
only part of the equation
in terms of aChieving
the bottom line
my bosses want me to hit.
Understand, Teddy K.
is making Cuts
aCross the board here.
In point of faCt,
I have to Cut
$300,000 salary
from the sales team
I don't make
that muCh money, Carter.
I know how muCh
you make, Dan.
I wish you'd told me
that I was fired
before I ate
the goddamn fish.
Oh, Dan! Dan! Dan!
[Clearing throat]
I'm--I'm not letting you
go here.
You're not?
You are an exCellent salesman.
You ran a good team.
I think
that you have the potential
to be an awesome wingman here.
An awesome wingman?
B-But, Carter,
I definitely see
the benefit for you
in having an awesome wingman.
But what is
the benefit for me
at this point in my Career
of being an awesome wingman?
one benefit at this point
in your Career
is that you get
to keep your job.
That's a pretty good benefit,
don't you think?
Really? Really!
Are you smiling?