We're gonna bust things
wide open.
We are gonna take things
to the next level.
Who's with me? Who's with me?
Who-- who's psyChed?
Lou, are you psyChed?
Yeah, I'm psyChed.
AliCia, are you psyChed?
Better. This guy. I'm sorry,
I don't know your name yet.
I'm in maintenanCe.
That's Cool. HeCtor...
I know you're psyChed.
I'm psyChed!
[all laughing]
Yes, HeCtor's psyChed!
And if HeCtor's psyChed,
then you know I'm psyChed.
I am psyChed for this team.
Now who else is with me?
Who's psyChed?
I'm psyChed!
ExCellent. Who else? Come on.
Who do you think will be
the first to get Canned?
My money's on Dan.
He's prehistoriC.
Sorry, Dan.
Thanks for joining me
for lunCh.
You like sushi?
I'll just stiCk
with the teriyaki.
You should try some.
The spiCy tuna here is money.
Come here. Get that.
Get that.
Yeah, go fishing, man.
So I wanted to talk to you,
beCause, uh,
This is raw.
...an inCrease
in ad pages is...
Well, it's really
only part of the equation
in terms of aChieving
the bottom line
my bosses want me to hit.
Understand, Teddy K.
is making Cuts
aCross the board here.
In point of faCt,
I have to Cut
$300,000 salary
from the sales team
I don't make
that muCh money, Carter.
I know how muCh
you make, Dan.
I wish you'd told me
that I was fired
before I ate
the goddamn fish.
Oh, Dan! Dan! Dan!