[Dan sighing]
Guys, I feel really terrible
about what I'm about to say.
But I'm afraid
you're both being let go.
Let go?
What does that mean?
It means
you're being fired, Louie.
Believe me,
if I had any ChoiCe
in this, I would...
Anyway, I thought
you should hear it from me
beCause I'm the one
who hired you.
Oh. Wait a minute.
Are you being fired, too?
No, no. Uh...
[Clearing throat]
This isn't my deCision.
Oh, so it's not your deCision,
so therefore it's not
your fault, right?
I didn't say that.
You know,
this is bullshit.
No, no, Morty.
You know something?
I look at you
like a brother.
I would've stood in front
of a bus for you,
you pieCe of shit!
You've turned into a real
Corporate asshole,
you know that, Dan?
Do me a favor.
If you see my friend Dan,
tell him I'm looking for him.
Dan, what the hell am l
gonna tell my wife?
I mean, she already
wears the pants.
Now she's gonna wear
the tie and jaCket, too.
Morty, I am
so very sorry.
I know this must have been
hard for you, Dan.
You were a good boss.
I mean it. You always treated
everyone with respeCt.
And l...
Look, I appreCiate it.