I would've stood in front
of a bus for you,
you pieCe of shit!
You've turned into a real
Corporate asshole,
you know that, Dan?
Do me a favor.
If you see my friend Dan,
tell him I'm looking for him.
Dan, what the hell am l
gonna tell my wife?
I mean, she already
wears the pants.
Now she's gonna wear
the tie and jaCket, too.
Morty, I am
so very sorry.
I know this must have been
hard for you, Dan.
You were a good boss.
I mean it. You always treated
everyone with respeCt.
And l...
Look, I appreCiate it.
What's this?
My 360 evaluation.
Uh, you rated yourself,
"Does not meet expeCtations."
I'm gonna Cry.
Don't. I'll Call you.
Take Care, Morty.
Okay, good luCk.
I Can't believe this.
Me neither.
You gonna be okay?
I'll be okay.
Take Care.
No way! What are...
What are you doing here?