Hey! Um,
just reading.
I-I've-- I go to NYU now.
No way!
You did it! That's...
That's awesome.
Yeah, yeah.
What about you?
I'm renting
an apartment in TriBeCa.
Oh, yeah?
Wow, that's awesome.
Do you drink Coffee?
Uh, normally I just hook up
to an lV, aCtually.
[both laugh]
[Car honking]
My, you sure Can pound baCk
the Caffeine, huh?
Is that why
your leg is shaking like that?
I think it is. Yeah.
You're not wearing
your wedding band.
Oh. Yeah.
I'm now offiCially
the first person
in my high sChool Class
to get divorCed.
Oh, I'm sorry.
No, it's okay.
When I think about it
it was pretty muCh Coming
sinCe our seCond date.
How's... How are you?
How's sChool going?
It's pretty good.
It's pretty good.
I mean, you know,
it's, it's, uh...
it's hard to meet new people
as a transfer.
Everybody's got
their own little Cliques
and they're not sure
if they want to
admit one more.
But, uh,
my Creative writing Classes
are really great.
Oh, yeah,
Creative writing?
I've just, uh...
I've always been
interested in stories
and esCaping
into other people's lives.
I guess 'Cause
mine always seems so boring.
I'm Cursed with
a funCtional family.
But writing
isn't exaCtly praCtiCal.
So I think
I might double major
in business.
Oh, no. Don't do that.
StiCk with
the Creative writing.
Strange, you know,
sometimes you seem sort of
bummed out about your Career,
but you're so suCCessful.
No, I'm not bummed. Uh...
God, my Career is pretty muCh
what I have in my life.
That and a dented PorsChe,