In Good Company

How's... How are you?
How's sChool going?

It's pretty good.
It's pretty good.
I mean, you know,
it's, it's, uh...

it's hard to meet new people
as a transfer.

Everybody's got
their own little Cliques

and they're not sure
if they want to
admit one more.

But, uh,
my Creative writing Classes
are really great.

Oh, yeah,
Creative writing?

I've just, uh...

I've always been
interested in stories

and esCaping
into other people's lives.

I guess 'Cause
mine always seems so boring.

I'm Cursed with
a funCtional family.

But writing
isn't exaCtly praCtiCal.

So I think
I might double major
in business.

Oh, no. Don't do that.
StiCk with
the Creative writing.

Strange, you know,
sometimes you seem sort of

bummed out about your Career,
but you're so suCCessful.

No, I'm not bummed. Uh...
God, my Career is pretty muCh
what I have in my life.

That and a dented PorsChe,

Your family
must be really proud of you.

My mom is.
You know, she's...
She's this kind of hippie.

So she's not really into
the Corporate thing.

And my dad left home
when I was 4,

so, you know,
I never really
got to know him.

His family had money,
but, uh,
he was this kind of artist

you know, in quotes,
slash druggy.

Uh, he was in this Cult
for a while.

Do you, do you...
Let's get out of here.

Do you want to, like,
take a walk or something?

I'm like, uh...
Now that I've told you
my entire life story.

Although, uh,
there isn't muCh left
to talk about.

by Damien RiCe playing]

Still a little bit
of your taste

In my mouth
Still a little bit of you

With my doubt
Still a little hard
to say
