- Why would you be embarrassed?
- Because it's been a long time.
- How long?
- A long time.
Come on, champ. Own it.
Just put it out there.
l swear l won't make
any editorial cracks about it.
Not in front of you, at least.
- Seven years.
- Seven years?
Since my wife died, yeah.
You know, a dumbfounded,
mouth-agape look of shock
might be construed by some
as an editorial crack too.
- l'm sorry.
- lt's OK. lt's fine.
No, it's not.
l mean, it's not at all.
With all due respect to your wife,
you've gotta get back on the horse, man.
- No, l don't, actually.
- Yes, you do.
- No, l don't.
- Yes, you... Get up.
- Are we done?
- With this, for now. But come with me.
Lord have mercy.
- Where are we going?
- To your place.
We're gonna have some sex.
- What, did you forget something?
- No. Look, l appreciate the offer.
l'm very flattered.
But l can't do this.
What's the matter?
Don't you think l'm cute?
- Of course l think you're cute.
- Well, then?
Look, l'm not just celibate
because of my daughter.
There are a lot of emotional issues in it too.
l mean, my wife may be dead.
l'm still very much in love with her.
Hey, l respect that. l'm not telling you
to fall in love with me here,
and l'm not trying to replace your wife.
l'm just talking about two consenting adults
having some casual sex.
Probably some really short casual sex,
with you being a little out of practice.
- l can't do it, l'm sorry.
- What are you, a monk?
Let's look at this logically, OK?
- You rent porn and touch yourself, right?
- Would you lower your voice?
lf you're not sweating how your wife
would feel about you and porn,
then you shouldn't sweat what
l'm proposing 'cause it's the same thing.