-Looks fine, but the price...
How much can you pay?
-105,000 euros.
I've had an offer of 115,000.
-It's too much... for us.
We're workmates, after all.
Let's close the deal -
but you won't get
the apartment until November.
Do you want time to consider?
-No, it's a deal.
"Then they put Hemulen's yellow
mittens on the veranda rail" -
"and went inside to sleep
and wait for the spring."
Read The Cone Woods.
-I'm too tired.
And I hate the squirrels
Niko, Tiko and Tuitsu.
You're stupid. Dad has read it
to me at least a thousand times.
Really, I'm too tired.
I'll read it to you tomorrow, okay?
I'll leave the door ajar.
Go to sleep.
Those men at dad's home are funny.
-What men?
Dad has naked men there.
Dad rubs them.
Dad rubs naked men?
No, he massages them.
They pay dad with lots of notes.
I'll show him rubbing.
I'll rub him out.