
When selling old houses -
there's another name
for happiness: nostalgia.

We don't sell houses,
we sell nostalgia.

A concrete example:
I middle-aged couple
comes to a showing.

Their eyes wander,
I tell them about the renovations -

but they don't listen to me.
They listen to the creaking
stairs leading to upper floor.

This creaking takes
them back in time -

to the late 1950s, early 1960s -
when they were children -
happily oblivious to
the many crises to come.

His skin is scratched,
his appearance untidy.

His skin is silk-thin, wrinkled.
His body is plump,
does not exercise.

He is exhausted with his work,
but keeps himself on overdrive -

by selling one-family houses,
because the commission is good.

Regards himself
as a comedian, but is not.

Aggression is building up.
We go outside
to the glazed veranda.

The wife says that it would
be nice to drink coffee there.

They'll do that only
a couple of times a year -

but the veranda is one of main
reasons they want to buy the house.

They'll buy an unrenovated house
for a quarter of a million -

because of creaking steps,
veranda and birch firewood.

The selling of old houses
is not based on reason -

it's based on feeling.
