He wasn't Iike that
when Kie was around.
Oh, Kie...how is she?
I'm worried. I think I'll...
Is something wrong with Kie?
She's in bed sick.
She's sick? Is it bad?
It Iooks that way.
The clerk from the next store
was here, and he told me...
...that from the day after her wedding
Kie was up before everyone...
...cleaning and cooking
for all the apprentices...
...and bathing Iast at night
in everyone's grime.
The clerk said anyone
would get sick that way.
That's a real shame.
He said she miscarried Iast fall
and they gave her no time to rest.
And now she's ill they won't spend
the money for a doctor.
That's terrible!
Her father came to see her.
They said Kie was of their family now,
and he wasn't to interfere.
They turned him away.
They are terrible.
How Iong has she been in bed?
She hasn't been seen in the shop
in two months.
If you knew that,
why haven't you been to see her?!
I couldn't go to a merchant's house!
Where are you going?
I've been worried about her
all through the winter.
I'II go see her.