I'm taking Kie.
Write a statement of divorce.
I'II come for it Iater.
You're in the way! Move!
AII right, Kie...hold on tight.
Hold onto me.
She's ours! Where are you taking her?
You Iisten to me!
Kie trained as a maid with us
for three and a half years.
From my Iate mother...
...she Iearned housework
and deportment...
...so she could go proudly
as a bride into any house.
It enrages me to see her...
...in a pitiful state Iike this!
File a complaint if you wish.
I'II protect her
if it takes my sword to do it!
The basket, Naota!
What are you doing?
The chicken got away!
Shino! I'm glad you came.
Naota told me everything.
Where is she?
In the back room.
What did the doctor say?
That she's weak,
but not badly ill.
He says with food and rest
she'II be fine.