Karpuz kabugundan gemiler yapmak

Are these from Adana, Kemal ?
No, Uncle Salih, Diyarbakir
Why didn't you bring them from
Adana this year?

Adana or Diyarbakir... They are all same.
No tricks in Kemal's meIons.
Check it ...
What's this ? Can't we even trust a melon
in this worId?

It's okay as long as it doesn't get sold
off to a customer.

-Take it.
-Thank you, I don't want it.

Why not ? It's doesn't belong to an orphan.
- How is it?
- LIke honey...

Shall I weigh up five kilos?
Not much time before prayers.

Afterwards, if God willing .
- Master
- Yeah?

Can you give me some money?
What're you gonna do with money?
I'm gonna buy some paint and a brush
What's up?
