Check it ...
What's this ? Can't we even trust a melon
in this worId?
It's okay as long as it doesn't get sold
off to a customer.
-Take it.
-Thank you, I don't want it.
Why not ? It's doesn't belong to an orphan.
- How is it?
- LIke honey...
Shall I weigh up five kilos?
Not much time before prayers.
Afterwards, if God willing .
- Master
- Yeah?
Can you give me some money?
What're you gonna do with money?
I'm gonna buy some paint and a brush
What's up?
What's the brush and paint for?
I'm gonna paint a sign and hang it right
there on the tree.
-You know how to do that?
-I'm a painter.
Painter? Good. All Me needed is a sign.
Never seen a painter before?
You are quite a painter.Look at the melons!
Who could tell them from real ones?