Excuse me. I'm Professor Kinsey.
Excuse me... Hello.
I'm Professor Kinsey
from Indiana University...
and I'm making a study
of sex behavior.
- Can I ask you a few questions?
- I've heard about you.
- You're the sex doctor, right?
- I guess I am.
If you'd be kind enough to talk to me,
it would be of great help to science.
Sure. What do you want to know?
Same boy. Tommy Potts.
We were messin' around
in a haystack...
you know, the way kids'll do.
Pop walked in...
found us, locked us in the barn.
Called my brothers in.
They, um...
They branded us.
Took turns doin' it.
Then they beat us raw.
Broke a couple ribs, collarbone.
Tommy, he, uh...
he didn't make out as well as I did.
- What age were you?
- Thirteen.
- And you've been on your own since then?
- I get by.
It's not that I mind being queer.
'Cause I don't.
It's just, um...
I wish other folks
weren't so put out by it.
Homosexuality happens to be...
out of fashion in society now.
That doesn't mean
it won't change someday.
But why didn't I see it before?
Human beings are just bigger,
slightly more complicated gall wasps.