
Then they beat us raw.
Broke a couple ribs, collarbone.
Tommy, he, uh...
he didn't make out as well as I did.
- What age were you?
- Thirteen.

- And you've been on your own since then?
- I get by.

It's not that I mind being queer.
'Cause I don't.
It's just, um...
I wish other folks
weren't so put out by it.

Homosexuality happens to be...
out of fashion in society now.
That doesn't mean
it won't change someday.

But why didn't I see it before?
Human beings are just bigger,
slightly more complicated gall wasps.

All I have to do is collect
more than anyone else...

and homosexuals
are the perfect place to start.

I'm sorry. I just had an image of some
of our friends hearing you right now.

As if the marriage course
isn't bad enough.

Now, Prok, promise me you'll get at least
four hours sleep before heading back.

Of course.
And let Clyde share in the driving.
Okay, Mac.
I'll sign off now.
I love you.
Love you too.
You know what
impressed me tonight?

The way that you talk to people.
You can get just about anybody to open up.

Oh, well, it's just a matter of, uh...
putting yourself on their level.
No, it's more than that.
