
So, if you're ready...
I'd like to begin with
a few background questions.

No. All wrong. Start by putting
the subject at ease.

- Would you care for a drink, Mac?
- Why, a glass of water would be very nice.

Do anything fun this weekend?
My daughters were in town,
so I never stopped.

We had a marvelous meal
Saturday night.

- Really? What did you cook?
- I started with a little...

See how much more relaxed
she's become?

If you ease in
with innocuous questions...

people forget
they're giving sex histories.

How did you first
find out about masturbation?

I invented it, son.
Sometimes I tie a rope
around my balls when I jerk off.

- And what other masochistic acts do you enjoy?
- Does that mean "queer"?

How often do you have intercourse?
- Two or three times.
- A month?

- No, a day.
- Mmm.

How often do you reach orgasm?
- Once.
- A day?

No. Only once.
About 20 years ago.
I was sitting on a piano stool
listening to music.

Mm. Oh, that's good.
How old were you when you first engaged
in sexual activity with a partner?

- Fourteen.
- How?

With horse.
How often were you having intercourse
with animals at age 14?

Is true. I fucked a pony.
You are genius.
How did you know?

You just said
you had sex with a horse.

No. Whores.
Not horse. Whores.
Do you find my answers typical?
- Am I normal?
- Am I normal?

Am I normal?
Yes. I found a book
in the dining room buffet...

under all the tablecloths,
and I used to put it under my shirt...

and go into the bathroom
and sit and read it.

But I was very frightened.
- She told her mother that she didn't like it.
- How will I get it back?

Or maybe it was just
her mother who didn't like it.

Before you know it,
the police bangin' on the front door.
