Ask her out. Hello!
This is my friend Dave.
Fuck her. l'm having
a party tonight.
There's going to be
plenty of tail there.
Just make sure you're there.
Heads up.
Sorry. l'm sorry.
Jesus Christ! l think
you broke my nose!
-l thought you were looking.
-l was looking at the girl!
You'll be all right.
Just be at my house
at 10:00 tonight.
Might want to get
some ice on that.
Yeah. Thanks.
l thought you were looking.
Fucking retard.
Glad you could make it.
Hi, Cal.
Miss Samantha.
Good. Good.
Sorry about that.
You all right?
Yeah, l'm fine.
Whoa, man, whoa.
That's my ass. That's my ass.
Come on in.
l got a surprise for you.
Come on.
Come here.
Girls, l'd like you
to meet my friend Dave.
Dave, this is
Molly and Annette.
-Actually, l'm Annette.
-l'm Molly.
Nice to meet you both.
Molly and Annette
are flight attendants.
Oh, so then if this
was the seventies...
we'd go off and have an orgy.
You look like you could
use a fresh one, Molly.
Shall we?
Yes. Come with me.
Go ahead and sit down over here.
l could use a fresh drink.
Go, sit down.
You're all right.
Sit down on the white couch.
She won't bite.