l'm just saying
l don't know...
if l could say
something like that...
to someone if l knew
it would hurt them.
What are you,
one of these nice guys?
ls that your thing?
Does that work on anyone?
Because it's been monumentally
unsuccessful so far.
Yeah. Well, l guess
l wouldn't know.
l have a theory.
You can be either
one of two things...
in a relationship--
a pig or a chicken.
ln a ham and egg breakfast...
the chicken is involved,
but the pig is committed.
So, you didn't do
anything wrong.
lt's just that...
you're a pig who got into
a relationship with a chicken.
All right. l get that
whole little story there.
Except for the part
about me being a pig.
OK, yeah, that was
a bad analogy...
and it needs work, but...
But...see, you're a good person
who deserves the best.
ln fact...in fact,
say that with me.
l can't hear you.
l want to--
l am a great person...
l'm a great person.
Who deserves the best.
Who deserves the best.
And l will buy you
a fudgsicle.
OK. And l will accept.
Thank you.
No. You are going to
buy me a fudgsicle.
You're supposed to repeat me.
Oh, you're really funny.
Thank you very much.
Did you bring any change?
No. You're going to buy me one.
-l'm Not buying you anything.
-Yes, you are.
My client only has one
simple stipulation.
Greta Siegel was caught
in flagrante delicto...
with a woman.
So this entitles him
to everything?
So they bought
the apartment together.
He's supposed to walk away
from the equity?
Well, if she keeps up
the mortgage payments...
how will that affect--
You're dancing around
the issue, counselor.
Do we really have to
go through all this?
You tell me.
l'm not the one...
who walked away
from this marriage.