- I don't feeI comfortabIe about this.
- But you caIIed me.
What do you know?
Your boss has spent 1 3 miIIion
on a non-existent hospitaI.
The site is 9,000 miIes away, so
it's hard to check up on things.
How come the board wasn't informed?
Mads ran the project on his own.
I never saw any of the accounts.
Looks pretty bad.
Sounds Iike Mads KjeIdsen
has Iined his own pockets.
Listen ... This is off the record,
or whatever you caII it. Okay?
I have a Iot of respect for Mads,
so this is hard ...
Mads gets these anxiety attacks
OccasionaIIy, he has to be aIone.
And it's been getting worse
He's had severe depressions -
- and my guess is that
it has affected his judgment.
- Why doesn't the board intervene?
- We were about to.
But the poIice came this morning,
and now it's aII happening so quickIy.
- We were hoping ...
- What? They came this morning?
Yes. I guess they've known about it
for a whiIe ...
Dreier, the son of a bitch!
What's he up to?
Lone must have the party's
compIete support.
If we get the MPs,
we'II get the party too.
Then Dreier can caII her a vuIture
or whatever. It won't matter.
- Did you taIk to Kaj?
- I gave him a bypass road for his vote.
That reaIIy made his day!
- Hi, honey.
- Hi.
- HeIIo, everyone.
- I thought you were resting?
Don't patronize me!