- Why doesn't the board intervene?
- We were about to.
But the poIice came this morning,
and now it's aII happening so quickIy.
- We were hoping ...
- What? They came this morning?
Yes. I guess they've known about it
for a whiIe ...
Dreier, the son of a bitch!
What's he up to?
Lone must have the party's
compIete support.
If we get the MPs,
we'II get the party too.
Then Dreier can caII her a vuIture
or whatever. It won't matter.
- Did you taIk to Kaj?
- I gave him a bypass road for his vote.
That reaIIy made his day!
- Hi, honey.
- Hi.
- HeIIo, everyone.
- I thought you were resting?
Don't patronize me!
I just wanted to see
who was paying us a visit.
- Coffee?
- No. I'II pop back upstairs.
But Iet me know
if you need anything.
Excuse me.
HeIIo, UIrik Torp,
DaiIy News.
No, he's not here.
Can I heIp you?